Proper lighting infrastructure is a must in many churches today that utilize theatrical lighting for their services (lighting rails, power, relays, etc). Living Water Church in Mt. Sterling, KY had plenty of great LED fixtures, they just needed the proper infrastructure and a few more front lights to go with it. JCA installed over 40 feet of front lighting rails to support not just front light, but intelligent lighting fixtures, atmospheric fixtures, and even projection! To power the new front rails as well as the rehung truss above stage, a 10 channel Lyntec relay was installed so that all power could be controller from FOH. To finish off the install six new Chauvet Ovation 145-WW LED Fresnels were added for more front light.
Gear List: 6 - Chauvet Ovation F—145WW Fresnels Lyntec LCRP-10 DMX Relay 40’ of Lighting Rails Comments are closed.